Well shucks..


Loving YTtalk
Google banned my Youtube account with no warnings or explanation. Had no copyright of anything, I asked each developer / publisher of each game they all said I could use and monetize gameplay. Which I haven't even monetized anything. No music that could infringe. No bad tags to get more views. Nothing. Just got on earlier to check on stuff, get on a few hours later and it's banned. Already filed an appeal. Still nothing yet.
If its a mistake it will be fixed. But just to make sure, you didn't do anything like staff tags in description or have advertiser cpm/amazon links?
I don't even know what staff tags, advertiser cpm, or amazon links are. Unless the amazon links is to something to buy. Which I didn't do. My tags usually just say things like "I am bread, wigglenator(me), day 2, etc etc.
This sucks for you :/ I hope you get it back soon though, sounds like a mistake on YouTube's part
They said they will not unsuspend my account. So I'll be calling them and working my way up the ladder until it gets unsuspended.
Feel really sorry for you, when you replied to my post earlier I noticed it was suspended. I hope things work out for you soon! Keep at it!