Weekly videos?


I have been making videos somewhat weekly, (somewhat because I have been super just) and I wanted to know how to continuously get good videos ideas every week. I have been running out of good ideas and was wondering if there is any "technique" to keep coming up with good video ideas every week. Thank you!
Moved this to the Script, Script Writing, Video Ideas & Planning section of the forum for you. How about when anything interesting pops in your head, write the idea down right away before you forget it. Get a good list going, then film the videos. Put them out every week :)
Moved this to the Script, Script Writing, Video Ideas & Planning section of the forum for you. How about when anything interesting pops in your head, write the idea down right away before you forget it. Get a good list going, then film the videos. Put them out every week :)
How about when anything interesting pops in your head, write the idea down right away before you forget it. Get a good list going, then film the videos. Put them out every week :)
This is exactly what I do! A video idea will pop into my head while I am walking or riding somewhere, and I just add it to my note pad list on my phone. I always have about three or four ideas written down, so if I don't come up with something new one week, I have a reserve. Also, I watch a ton of YouTube videos every day, and sometimes I am inspired by something I see. I do admit, though, that I am always a bit anxious that I will run out of ideas.
I've had bad weeks where I have no inspiration (and had no videos back up which is rare) so I decided to look at the real world for inspiration. I found a news story about some police raiding a pub looking for the holy grail and made a video around that, explaining what happened, made jokes etc.

Real life is full of completely mental ridiculous stuff so if you're ever stuck, just look there.
I try and give myself time throughout the week where i can sit in front of the computer and come up with ideas. I just write what ever pops into my head as it's better to get something down, i was always told that you cant improve a blank page!
Maybe try and do some free association writing? Just think about what you've done, and/or write down anything that pops into your head, even if it seems completely far fetched and ridiculous? It lends itself to more creative ideas and then you can look back on your list of 25 or so items, and weed out the ones that are preposterous. It's what I do when I need to come up with X number of thumbnails for graphic design projects.