Website for the channel question/problem


Active Member
Hello, I have a question. I'm creating a website for the channel. I have bought a template for video website and everything was perfect until I saw that if a video that is on the website has a view, this view is not counted as a view on the youtube analytics which seems to be a big problem for me because I wanted to increase my views. My question is is there a way I to publish a video on my website and if I get a view of the video this view and the watch time on the view to be shown on my youtube analytics? Thanks in advance.
When you click "share" there is an embed button. Click that and copy the code to your page. In Wordpress I go to text view and paste it in the location I want.


  • embed1.JPG
    32.5 KB · Views: 1
  • embed2.JPG
    38.3 KB · Views: 1
Hmm hopefully the template isn't screwing anything up, or 'autoplaying' your videos. Auto plays don't count. You need need regular video embedding. As described by above post.
Bear in mind, if YouTube will only register "real" views in analytics and will filter out the rest (low duration, repeat views that it considers artificial etc etc)