Water to the Flame


I try not to let losing subscribers get to me, I'd rather have people subscribed to me who watch my videos rather than a lump of inactive subs.

For the past 4 days I've had 46 subscribers, that figure jumped to 50 yesterday which I felt really good about, I went on SocialBlade to check my stats and it's gone down to 49. I feel like I've got a flame of encouragement and every time I lose a sub it's flicking water to my flame. I'm always going to continue working on new videos because I love doing what I do, but it sometimes gets to me.

I just wanted to say that.

I know what you mean.. I hate going to socialblade and seeing that -red number. It totally puts a damper on things..
But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

Keep on at it..
I'm not going to lie, I don't feel too good when I lose a sub. However, whatever emotion of grief that I have then is miniscule and and I get over it quickly.
Used to bug the hell out of me. I'd ponder and pine away for this invisible person who used to love me but now does not. What did I do to offend you person?? How could I have made it better!!

After I while though, it became clear, I rise faster than I fall, if I lose a sub or two, I'll gain 6 to make up for it in no time. So why wonder, why care, it's kinda like weeding out stragglers anyway, if they were on the fence about me they weren't much of a support anyway, so think of it like "thank you for helping to keep my sub/view ratio closer to what it should be, really helps" lol
ah dont worry your self about loosing subs! subs go up and down all the time just keep posting content and the subs come along with it. subs are just like your like and dislike bar