was at 25 than lost a sub :( XD


Reviewer, no longer gaming :D
soo just as im upping my editing and getting better stuff... things start going backwards woohoo XD woops
This is totally, TOTALLY COMPLETELY normal. Happens to me all the time, I have 100 more subscribers than I had last month and I get LESS views, things just don't always make sense in youtube land, and people will always unsub.
Yeah, we get that a lot too. Subs go up and subs go down. It's just the way things are on youtube sometimes. And like symphonious said, at times you will notice even by having more subs it doesn't always mean you'll have more views. We just keep trying to get better with each video and hope to entertain the people that do watch. That's what I recommend for you too. The rest (views and subs) will work itself out as long as you continue to challenge yourself to make better vids each time.
Yep I lost one the other day...it sucks but you get used to it. I would sub your channel to help you out but I was already subbed haha!
Subs don't really matter the views do. But losing and earning subs can be a hard thing to deal with people unsubbing. But after while you realizes its just apart of the game called youtube. Plus your just starting out (sorry if i'm wrong about that) you'll find your audience.