WARNING: WeIRd PerSoN oN tHis cHANneL! (Privyet677)


Active Member
Hey guys, whats up. I'm here today to give a ten hour long speech on why you should subscribe to me! What? Oh, ok I've just been informed no one wants to listen to a ten hour long speech. Well, I'll sum it up for you then.

1. I'm funny.

2. I'm random.

3. I don't give a crap if I'm logical or not.

4. I enjoy making videos.

5. I upload 1-2 videos a day.

6. I put all this effort in when my internet sucks so much it takes 5-6 hours to upload a 15 minute video.
So watch my videos!
CliCk HeRE! --->http://www.youtube.com/user/Privyet677