Warned by YouTube


Comedy Vlogger
I uploaded a video the other week and someone reported it and YouTube gave me a community guidelines warning for it. This warning won't expire for 6 months!

The video was me, with some non-copyrighted music headbanging and singing and stuff for a joke. I was also smoking your average cigarette in the video at one point. How is this against the rules?
You see, this is what i'm talking about in that video i just made. None of what you just said is against the rules, i have come to the conclusion that youtube just takes what ever video they want down, UNLESS you're Shane Dawson, RayWilliamJohnson or Onision whom i recall made a video about punching some pregnant woman in the stomach (I think). Poor sods at youtube don't care though. We are not making them enough money like the top dogs are.
I agree with Kamren, I think it was the smoking thing. It's really not up to them though, I'm allowed to smoke, by my mother anyways haha. There are videos of people smoking weed on YouTube and they don't get taken down?

I also think that you're right StraightEdgeAngel. They take our videos down because they have nothing better to do and they probably like ******* people off! And they expect us to make money for them, but how are we supposed to make money for them when they suspend your channel and all? Strangely enough it's the only video I didn't put adds on. -__________-
I agree with Kamren, I think it was the smoking thing. It's really not up to them though, I'm allowed to smoke, by my mother anyways haha. There are videos of people smoking weed on YouTube and they don't get taken down?

I also think that you're right StraightEdgeAngel. They take our videos down because they have nothing better to do and they probably like ******* people off! And they expect us to make money for them, but how are we supposed to make money for them when they suspend your channel and all? Strangely enough it's the only video I didn't put adds on. -__________-
I've noticed that to, the two videos that got taken down recently were videos i didn't put adds on o.o. Coincidence? I highly doubt it. That's what i'm saying, It's Youtube's Undertube that makes the money, sure the top dogs makes them more money then us but still, without the Undertube, The Upertube would be no where.
I don't know what was in your video, but YouTube takes down videos of the big YouTubers all the time (especially Onision, he's complained several times about YouTube taking down his videos). I can't imagine they took it down for no reason.
I don't know what was in your video, but YouTube takes down videos of the big YouTubers all the time (especially Onision, he's complained several times about YouTube taking down his videos). I can't imagine they took it down for no reason.

Well as per usual they told me I had to take the video down without giving me any sort of reason as to how it was breaking the rules.