Gaming wanna be part of TeamGAMR?

THEGamer Tyler

I've Got It
You probably clicked this because your interested... that's right I have brain powers to read your mind! But lets get to the point.. Basically im putting together a team of youtubers... yes I said TEAM, and Im making a channel where we can upload videos that we make together! The only requirement that I have is that you be 13 or older and you have to be ok with using your first name... my name is tyler :p not like there isn't 100000 other tylers out there :p. you can keep your channel, but im going to put you into the official TeamGAMR featured tab to show your part of the crew.
u guys are already in it! ill send you the user and pass for it through skype
I'm interesting, I'm a gamer with 15+ years experience and im 21. Im free whenever i can be sometimes i disappear for a weekend but thats my social life other than that :)
I'm interesting, I'm a gamer with 15+ years experience and im 21. Im free whenever i can be sometimes i disappear for a weekend but thats my social life other than that :)
Cool dude! Ill add you to skype! Im 13 and my name is tyler and i think it would be cool to have you on our channel! Ill get you in the TeamGAMR featured tab and you will be on your way!