Waiting for access...

So on August 5th, I first got accepted to rpm. On August 7th I completed the tax forms. And by August 9th the tax forms were accepted and I was good to go. All I am waiting on is the email that I am supposed to get from youtube where I accept joining rpm. I was just wondering on when I will be receiving it. I have been checking my emails and junk mail regularly. If someone can help me out, it would be greatly appreciated :)
So on August 5th, I first got accepted to rpm. On August 7th I completed the tax forms. And by August 9th the tax forms were accepted and I was good to go. All I am waiting on is the email that I am supposed to get from youtube where I accept joining rpm. I was just wondering on when I will be receiving it. I have been checking my emails and junk mail regularly. If someone can help me out, it would be greatly appreciated :)

Hey there! It looks like your channel is still pending approval by our royalties team. Once you're approved, you will be receiving an invitation!
Hey there! It looks like your channel is still pending approval by our royalties team. Once you're approved, you will be receiving an invitation!

Why did you refuse to give RayJ back his channels and why did one of your team members immaturely swear at him in a text?
I accept the invitation from maker studio and also in channel setting its show maker studio 3.but when i sign in to maker studio its show your channel pending approvol. MY youtube analytics is also update views and estimated earning.
I filled out my inital application July 20th and i haven't heard anything back. It says they will contact me within 2-3 day with an email for me to accept the application approval and such... haven't seen anything yet... maybe I need to wait a few more days?