vlogging ideas

When I vlog, I never have a specific subject in mind. I just go with the flow and be myself (but I exagerate just a little bit my personnality).
I talked about the weather...haha.
You can talk about something you know a lot about, like a hobby. Idk. Something about yourself that people doesnt know.
You can vlog about anything you choose. Just like a blog people don't care what it is about as long as like you as a person. So just be yourself and talk about anything at all. :)
Any hobbies you have? Any events/concerts/shows/movies that you are looking forward to or have recently gone to?

I find vlogs interesting when the person is genuinely interested in the topic as well. They speak more confidently about it and have more insight on it.
hmmm okay gotcha
thanks guys!!!
any other specific like topics that i can talk about thats happening now? like when psy had his new vid come out ppl were talking about that, or when harlem shake went viral people started talking about that!
is there something in particular thats hot right now?
You want to do something trendy? Then do a challenge/tag, those are always trendy. Just turn on the news and there's a ton of controversial topics you can cover.
Why not vlog about both yourself, and trendy topics? You don't have to do one or the other.

Have an opinion on something you wish to share? Go for it!
Had an idea or random thought while you were looking at something? Use that.

You can get ideas from just about anything, I've come to find. You just need to be open and consciously thinking how you could tie it into a video, and make it entertaining.