Vlog topic ideas?


Well-Known Member
Hi Im a new vlogger and Im wondering if you can give me some ideas for new vlogs. it seems that vloggers are repeating themselves alot and I dont want to get caught in that loop. Im personally getting tired of watching videos about asain stereotypes and justin beiber rants. There are some topics I have in mind but they are all offensive because the offensive topics havent really been explored yet. I could really use your help :)
I think you should just vlog about your day and life.. just whatever happened to you reacently :)
I think you should just vlog about your day and life.. just whatever happened to you reacently :)

I considered doing this but i dont have a big enough audience for people to actually watch. So I want to talk about more general topics before going into personal stuff
I considered doing this but i dont have a big enough audience for people to actually watch. So I want to talk about more general topics before going into personal stuff
Id say just be yourself but if u want to get a ton of views but for that maybe some hate just choose an attractive thumbnail and title that is very spicy .. even if its already covered by most vloggeres as long as u get the subs and the following you will be fine then you will get fanbase and can tallk about your life with a ton of people being interested about it :) but i am sure a lot of people will like u talking about your life even if you arent that populiar still
Try to look deep into your brain and try pulling out the most interesting thing ever and share it to the world :D
I know what you mean man, i try to create a unique video idea for every time i do a video! I do't have much ideas however i do have a tip for you. WHENEVER you get a video idea, write it down wether it be on paper, a notebook, your hand, or on your notes on an electronic device! Even if you end up not doing the video for awhile you will have track that you did have that idea at one time! good luck!
I know what you mean man, i try to create a unique video idea for every time i do a video! I do't have much ideas however i do have a tip for you. WHENEVER you get a video idea, write it down wether it be on paper, a notebook, your hand, or on your notes on an electronic device! Even if you end up not doing the video for awhile you will have track that you did have that idea at one time! good luck!

Thanks for the tip, when I usually get an idea, i put it in a word document and add on to it periodically until i have enough material for a good 3-5 minute vlog. it really helps keep me organized :)
A few ideas id enjoy watching:
-A story about your childhood
-Your view on Paula D. getting fired off cooking channel
-Your view on sports
-Your view on gaming (what games you prefer and dont)
