Vlog Shakey Cam


I've Got It
While rewatching clips from a vlog I just filmed I realized that a lot of my footage is very shakey. While filming I thought I took extra care in walking to make sure it wasn't shakey but I guess that wasn't good enough. Anything else I can do to make my future footage more stabilized? (I film with a Canon Rebel T5)
How are you holding the camera / tripod? You can edit the shakiness in most video editing software, it may take some time to edit but it will be worth it :)
There’s also plenty of gimbals and handheld stabilizers out on the market. The prices are a bit high, but if all your content is in the form of vlogs it may be best to invest.
Some of the better video editing software has automatic image stabilization algorithms built in (e.g. Vegas or the paid version of Resolve).
If you can't (or are too lazy to) re-shoot your footage, try to salvage what you can using one of those programs.
I've used one of my now unlisted free-hand shot videos as a test case for Vegas' stabilization algorithm... and it works wonders.
Moved to the recording / editing / production / software / hardware forum. :)

Are you moving while filming? If so, a gimbal or steadicam device would help.

If you're not moving and just talking into the camera, then yes, definitely use your tripod instead of holding the camera.
Does tripod help with stabilization? I have one but i haven't put it to the test yet, I may be using it more often if it could help stabilize the footage

Yes a tripod is essenatial for vlogging, when you attach your tripod hold it from the top so you don't shake as much. You could get a gimble but I wouldn't worry about that because you're still a small YouTuber.