Videos with or without background music


Entertainer/Vlogger aka Da Boss
SO I've really been thinking if I should put background music on my vlogs or no. I see the big youtubers always put them but i'm not sure. Is it ok to put the same background music for every rant? Let me know what you recommend.
I feel like if you're someone who isn't able to really command attention with your voice, I would stay away from music because it can be a distraction to the viewer and drown you out - making the whole thing a bit muddled. It's honestly a creative choice, if you feel like music really adds to the video, then use it. But, I would do it just because the other big YT's are.
I feel like if you're someone who isn't able to really command attention with your voice, I would stay away from music because it can be a distraction to the viewer and drown you out - making the whole thing a bit muddled. It's honestly a creative choice, if you feel like music really adds to the video, then use it. But, I would do it just because the other big YT's are.
And what do you recommend for me. Would my videos be better without music?
It is a personal choice. Try one with see how it goes.. Maybe do it sometimes then other times not.. add sound effects whatever.. Just have fun.
i only put background music if it fits the situation and or its leading to a skit
I use it in every video but set very low so it doesnt become a nuisance, for talking I tend to go with medium/slow music pieces, fast music can sound awful in the background, as long as you can hear yourself clearly over it I think its fine personally. Its a decision only you can make though, do you like your videos with it more or without it? Personally I would change the music for each video too, I dont like music consistency when it comes to my own videos, its fine reusing it every so often though.
The problem I have is sometimes I make videos where I shout and swear and you cannot really put a happy background music. Other times I make happy mooded videos where I'm laughing and stuff.