Video watermarks: size & position?


Taking over the world... kid at a time!
I'm finally putting burned-in video watermarks on my videos as a way to help combat theft and copying of my videos. I'd love to hear your opinions on size and placement of watermarks, if you've done it or are thinking of doing it. Here's what I'm doing:

Size/proportions: I'm making it about 1/10th of the screen size, I don't want it too big so it's distracting, but on the other hand if it's too small it defeats the purpose of watermarking (branding & as an anti-copying measure).
Position: I'm thinking upper right corner where the "i" button usually appears. I didn't want it on the bottom getting confused with the banner ad information--I believe YouTube has rules against brand logos down there anyway.

Transparency: Going for about 50% transparency. Our logo isn't a single-color logo, so it's a little more distracting compared to an all-white logo, which I have seen others do, but I tried making a white logo and just didn't look right.

Anyway, if you've done some watermarking or have opinions or ideas about the best size, placement & transparency, post your thoughts here!