Video / Vlog Prompts!


Let's be weird together!
Watch this thread for (almost) daily video prompts!

Today's video prompt: Summer time!

Talk about why you love Summer!
Talk about why you hate Summer.
Compare Pros and Cons.
Share your favorite Summer activities, outfits or memories!
Make a skit about Summer.
Make a short film that takes place in Summer.
The possibilities are nearly endless!

(To those in the souther hemisphere, why not do Winter??)

You can even split this Summer theme across several videos.

Have fun with it, and don't forget to Watch This Thread for future video prompts :D

Don't forget to share your prompt videos here!

Today's video prompt: Use an accent!

Do an entire vlog in an accent that isn't your own.
Make a skit in which at least one of your characters has an accent.
Talk about your accent! (Or how you think you don't have one ;P)
Do an accent challenge!
Create a new accent (that's my favorite).

There are lots of possibilities for accents, and this could even become a recurring them in videos!

Have fun with it, and don't forget to Watch This Thread for future video prompts :D

(Please do not post in this thread unless you have a video prompt. Thanks!)
Watch this thread for (almost) daily video prompts!

Today's video prompt: Snakes!

Theme your video around snakes.
Make a snake costume
Draw a snake
Create a story about a snake
Talk about your love, hate, fear, admiration of snakes
Go snake hunting (but please don't kill the poor dear)
Go to a zoo and film some snakes
Do a report / documentary on snakes
Did you know some religions revere snakes as godlike beings while others fear them?
Discuss a favorite snake-based movie or song
Use snakes as a metaphor or discuss how they were used as one by someone else

The possibilities keep going on!

Have fun with it, and don't forget to Watch This Thread for future video prompts :D

Don't forget to share your prompt videos here!

(Also, sorry for the extremely late post. I got hit with some new responsibilities that have been both keeping me busy AND dragging me down emotionally, so I've been heavily neglecting the internet. I hope you're all doing well :D )
Watch this thread for occasional video prompts!

Today's video prompt: Five things you could not live without!

In time simplest form, you can just talk about five things you could not live without.
Or you could take it a step further and incorporate that into some other video style.
Record images of those things.
Incorporate them into a story, and either tell that story or express it through film.
Show what your life would be like without those five things.

The possibilities go on!

Have fun with it, and don't forget to Watch This Thread for future video prompts :D

Feel free to share your prompt videos here!

(Also, sorry for the late posting again. College started, and I have to look for a job, so my priorities have moved elsewhere. I hope everyone is doing well :D )