Video Unavailable?

Lilikoi Juice

I do all my own graphics!
I uploaded a video about an hour ago and it still says that it is unavailable when I try to play it on my computer... Is it something on my side? I just watched it on my phone and it was playing perfectly.
Yeah my laptop does this sometimes too! If its working fine on your phone then it's probably just your computer playing up! Maybe restart it?
It says it's still processing for me, which is possible but after 40 mins I doubt it. Most likely the upload cut off and now it's stuck in processing limbo. Try uploading the same video file again and if you're lucky it might start at like 90% showing it cut off. Or might be the case you have to re-upload the entire thing. I wouldn't delete it straight away though wait to see if it's just taking a while to process
So this has been fixed, I guess Youtube was just really really slow...

Forgive me for my lack of response to your suggestions. I went to sleep and everything was working fine this morning!

Thanks everyone!