Video text


^^^^^^That's me^^^^^^
How do you make text match up with your words? :) I've tried multiple times but i can't figure it out. Please help?
Can you be more descriptive about what you're trying to do?
Like when youtubers that play video games like ( pewdiepie ) and other youtubers will match words that they say with they're mouth with the text on the screen.
Like when youtubers that play video games like ( pewdiepie ) and other youtubers will match words that they say with they're mouth with the text on the screen.

Well, you can use effects generators with some software to build things in letter-by-letter, or word-by-word, or line-by-line, etc. But for the most part, the simplest way is to go through frame by frame and add that stuff in :)
There are a few shortcuts that you can use, but it's best to just go by and add everything in by yourself. I'm sure there are generators that can help out, but they probably won't get everything right.

So just take the extra time and do it by yourself :)
I've done a few videos with subtitles (SCP-087-B) and holy s**t.. It took a good 4 hours of editing to get all the subtitles.
On most rendering programs you can create the text and choose EXACTLY where you want it on the timeline. So just write your text and place it when you said the statement on the vid. Is very simple actually. Good luck and game on!