Video Schedule Plus...

Brandon Dorner

Loving YTtalk
Alright so I now going by a schedule for your uploading is important but what about adding an extra video here and there that doesn't quite fit your genre but thought would be good to share.
So what I am starting is a sketch comedy group where I will upload once a week but I have videos that don't fit the sketch comedy genre, instead it's the other members of our group and I doing funny things throughout the day which is entertaining but not a sketch.

So my question is: Should I just upload the extras here and there not scheduled, should I stockpile them and try to upload one extra a week (might be kinda difficult), not upload them at all, make another channel for them without a schedule... etc.
I don't really buy into the scheduling thing. You can go onto YouTube at any time and check your sub box. I think having a schedule for yourself is important though. Keep yourself accountable to whatever you set. For me I upload every Tuesday, at least for now. Freddie W suggested somewhere, I think his blog, to keep a stockpile of videos. But I don't think that matters unless you have a decent amount of subscribers, so if you do miss a week, there won't be a huge impact.

TL;DR: Schedule and stockpile.
I try to schedule and stockpile, but I also do the occasional video response.
Truthfully, I think that it's up to the individual. If it's what they want to do and what their audience likes then that's what they should go with.