In this particular video, the overall concept is to entertain with lighthearted humor while providing insight into what I am thinking at times during the video and to highlight why I am making the plays/choices I make at certain times. I had been thinking of background music, but I have never really tried mixing music with live commentary so it is something I will definitely play with in the future. As for my commentary, I tend to play solo more often than not which tends to keep me more so on the quiet side of things except when making call-outs and such, but I it is something I have been trying to work on. Rendering in 1080p is something I've been wanting to do but does take a long time on my particular PC.
Thanks again for taking the time to review the video and provide your input. Hopefully, I was able to answer your questions and provide a somewhat clearer picture of what I was looking to achieve in the video. Any additional input you may have is more than welcome!