Video Responses - When to post them?


I Love YTtalk
Hey everyone, we are releasing the YTtalk Global Accent Tag video later today and I was wondering if it would be a good idea to post it as a video response to a similar video. I have never posted a video response before and the video doesn't technically respond to the video I have in mind but it is similar and related to their video some what.

In their video they do various accents from around the world so to me that seems relevant enough.

Would you do this yourself based on what I said above?

Thanks :)[DOUBLEPOST=1346599020][/DOUBLEPOST]I also checked out what they currently have approved and they do have quite a lot of accent tag videos already approved as responses and the creator of the original video seems to be active still. Any advice would be appreciated :)
yeah as long as its relevant shouldnt be a problem but then again its all up the user to decide if they want it as a response Ive had videos that were relevant to others and never got accepted so I guess its just wildcard unless you know the user personally.
I think I will go for it most likely and send them a message too telling them about the video and how I feel its relevant to theirs, I hope thats the norm lol

Does anyone know how the videos are shown on the video watch page (when youre watching the video your responding to) like what determines that they show or is it random?
What do you mean? Are you talking about the accent tag video which is being released in the next ten mins or so or doing as many video responses as possible? :unsure: