Video Length

Ideal video length?

  • < 10 Minutes

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • 10 - 15 Minutes

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • 15 - 20 Minutes

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • > 20 Minutes

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


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Obviously the ideal video length is different for each type of video, but for the average video game playthroughs (the infamous Let's Plays) how long should the average episode be?

From my experience watching others's Let's Plays I've come to the conclusion that I want to keep it in bite sized chunks. I don't know how it is for others, but I get pretty bored if I'm watching a 30 minute episode and most people will have this OCD kind of thing where they only want to stop and start watching between episodes. They will very rarely stop in the middle of a video and pick it back up later.

On the other side you can't just make a Let's Play 2 or 5 minutes long. For the average 20-hour single player game you'd have no less than 240 episodes which is waaaay too much.

Of course it also depends on the game a bit, but in my opinion 1 Let's Play episode should never be longer than 15 minutes. Why 15? Because 10 min is impractical for you as a video maker/uploader and 20 minutes is something your viewer needs to go and sit down for.

It works the same way as a $9,99 pricetag vs a $10,- pricetag in that it 'tricks' people to make a decision based on the number they see. 20:00 is quickly classified as a medium length video while 15:00 still hovers on the edge of a short video. At least in my mind. I'll gladly hear what others think about this!
Depends. If it's gameplay then I'd go for 12 - 15 minutes in length. Maybe 20.

If it's a vlog then I'd say around 6 minutes.
I do for walkthroughs 15-30 minutes, Livestreams 1 hour or above and all the other like showing mods I try under 5 minutes.
Better less than 10 minutes is great... If you want to make more than 10 minutes then you will need a good comentary and also funny :D
as a person who watches these kinds of videos only occasionally, I say under 10 minutes, otherwise I just lose interest. (that's actually how I am for most videos) if it goes over 10, it has to either really hook me in early or consistently entertaining throughout. just my two cents on the matter
In my opinion, it's definitely good to keep it under ten minutes, if you do vlogging. A lot of people try to keep it under six, I've noticed. Attention spans are dropping. Quick. lol