Video Ideas?

Hello :) So, I only have one video on my account which was hair and makeup, but I realise that's only going to appeal to a certain audience. I was thinking of doing something requested by 'the public' so to speak.
I can sing, do tutorials, attempt to cook, draw, Q&A, dares/challenges
I just don't know what to do D:

any ideas would be much appreciated ^^

I'm also going to start doing giveaways/contests/weekly shoutouts once I get to 50+ subscribers :) so you won't be helping me for nothing ^^

Thank you m'dears <3
Hello :) So, I only have one video on my account which was hair and makeup, but I realise that's only going to appeal to a certain audience. I was thinking of doing something requested by 'the public' so to speak.
I can sing, do tutorials, attempt to cook, draw, Q&A, dares/challenges
I just don't know what to do D:

any ideas would be much appreciated ^^

I'm also going to start doing giveaways/contests/weekly shoutouts once I get to 50+ subscribers :) so you won't be helping me for nothing ^^

Thank you m'dears <3
What can you do just as good, or better than anyone? Even if your not good at anything, what are you so bad at that its funny? Any weird talents? As a blogger the people are coming for your personality. Just be yourself, the gimmicks and ideas we can offer only help so much, as long as your funny, interesting, and genuine you'll see your channel start to grow. Also alot of promoting helps :p
Become one of them girls who only show their boobs and not their face while talking about a rubbish topic, you will gain millions of views...

...I mean, it isn't like the whole YTTalk community hates them people.

(Please detect my sarcasm).