Video Ideas!


I've Got It
Hey guys,

I'm running a bit low on video ideas, so I was just wondering if you have done any particularly fun videos and what ideas they were!

When I'm not vlogging, I am just talking about a specific story/topic and need some good tags or even challenges to do! - Not many of my friends would be willing to do them with me, but I am sure I could find someone to do them with if I need to!

So - any good video ideas etc? I'm on a bit of a writers block!

(You could even do a challenge with me if you like - just inbox me if you want to do a challenge video against me!)

Cheers! x
I typically carry my "Adventure Journal" around with me and anytime I have any sort of idea I write it down! I have pages of ideas, some are just a few words and some I elaborate on. It has helped me so much just to not forget even the simplest idea that I know I'd forget later!

You could also look around other YouTubers to see what they have done that you could either do or play off of.

Hope that helps!
Best of luck to you. :]
I'd respectfully advise that ideas that other people give you will probably not be as good as the ones the think of yourself. Maybe pick something you're passionate about, or rant about a personal issue (viewers love them some rants, for some reason...).
That said, challenges are a happy medium ;)