Video Ideas!


"its just a jump to the left..."
Anyone got any advice on video ideas?
How do you come up with your ideas?
How to you go about filming it?
if you have an idea for a video but its not 100% original (its been done alot) but you 'Really' want to do it, how do you make it your own?
Hey, I have the same problem haha, always gets to my day off work and I need to make a video and can't decide what! Usually if I'm really stuck I will pick a 'tag' one like 50 facts about me or some kind of challenge thing. Just make it your own by being you, and maybe add in other things like lists for things or different effects that other people don't use! Also, going on youtube for a few hours and watching other peoples videos usually gives me ideas! :)
Personally I hate the thought of doing something that's been done before so half my stuff ends up being improv and random. If I'm stuck for ideas I'd usually go for a walk to let me think stuff up and it usually works
Oh I like the walk Idea XD I need more air anyways. and I can definitely check out other videos to see what they do ^^ I always end up doing the tag or challenge videos to lol
Just make up a tag yourself and tag people in it, it's not that fun jumping on other tags. If I ever make a vlog channel I'm gonna just do stupid stuff like, top 5 reasons I'm not a necrophilliac and then tag a bunch of people in it just to make them feel awkward :)
Whenever an idea for a video pops in my brain, I write it down (usually digitally) so I don't forget it. I've been doing this since I was in 5th grade so I have pages of video ideas saved on a document I can choose from. Ideas will come to you if you're open to them. As for going about filming it, I don't know what you mean but I just film what seems like a really good idea at the time.

If it's been done a lot but you really like the idea, go for it. You're more likely to get more views because it's done so often that there is already an audience for it. Just make sure to make it your own style and spice it up yourself.
Anyone got any advice on video ideas?
How do you come up with your ideas?
How to you go about filming it?
if you have an idea for a video but its not 100% original (its been done alot) but you 'Really' want to do it, how do you make it your own?
Think of something you or people you know would look up and shoot it. I just shoot stuff that I will want to watch later, most of it is just for me and I share it. Some of the stuff I made lately I put some editing time into to make it more viewable for others, but it's still just stuff I think is cool, funny, or weird.