Video ideas? Well thoughts!

Floppy Duck

Well-Known Member
So I wanted to know what some people think! I have 2 ideas about some videos I would like to make.
#1 Just play the game and commentate while I or US play the game(I have a partner that plays games with me!!:)
#2 Just play the game but give reviews, suggestions, advice. Here is an example. DrPsycho and I both play Trine 2 while we play the game we dont talk about the game its just in the background, what we talk about is our top 5 recommended headsets for PC gamers. So it gives you something to watch while you get info on some good headsets! Not saying it hasn't been done before I just want to know what people would like to see more?
What interests people more? Saying both videos are 10 minutes in length! Just want to help our channel grow! Thanks everyone who helps! Stay Psychotic!