Video Ideas ... Vlog type channel


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hey everyone so i'm a bit thin on the ground for ideas recently and would be grateful if some people could post some ideas below for me :)
I can't really suggest any ideas. I mean, we're in the same business here, can't just give you my ideas.
I suggest keeping a notepad or using your notes app to record down anything interesting that you think of.
I don't believe that you can just run out of ideas.

I'm just kidding about not suggesting. How about something charitable? Do some funny skits in order to promote a charity, not the ice bucket challenge though. Stuff like what Funny or Die has been doing for a while.
I use a notepad too, its full of ideas and some have been fleshed out a bit more some haven't. On my upload days I just look down my list and see which one I feel like doing. If the answer is none then I tend to take a shower or go for a walk and something always pops up :)
Find something that you want to address and well address it :)