Video Ideas for a Gamer?

Matt James

I've Got It
I am just beginning as a gaming commentator (but will also be doing like How to parodies and top tens) but as far as commentating goes, what topics would be best, especially for somebody with now subscribers. Also, would you recommend non-scripted or scripted videos?
Minecraft and call of duty!!! For real though I would talk what ever you want to do then mix in top tens and other stuff you want to do!
I would say maybe scripted if you need to get some kinda message across your viewers and otherwise do none scripted
Going on websites like Gamejolt, which is full of well made, free, indie, quirky games and just playing them through non scripted would be cool because not many people would have played the games!
If you are looking at covering a series topic/reviewing something then scripting is the way to go. This does multiple things that all make your commentary easier to listen to for your viewers.

  • Reduces the "Uh's" and "Um's"
  • Ensures you don't repeat yourself
  • Keeps things on track
  • Gets your point across fast
  • Keeps your talking speed moderate and enjoyable
After scriptwriting for a considerable amount of time I have found my content to have somewhat increased in quality but it does not work for everyone. For the more relaxed videos like Lets Plays, then going non-scripted is better as it keeps things relaxed and more real as what a lets play aims to achieve. Hope this helps friend.
Keep in mind that it's entirely acceptable to edit out less exciting parts.
Do whatever you can to inject your own personality and individuality into the videos. There are a lot of gamers (and channels in general) out there, so it's important to stand out in one way or another.
Make sure you're easy to understand. That means:
-Good microphone.
-Good articulation.
-If possible, keep a cam on your face to show in the corner of the video; seeing face/lips makes it easier to understand someone.
Play games that you actually want to play... if you're just playing something you have no real interest in just because it's popular then it will show.
Maybe add in like a short break here and there, and throw in a little skit or irl version. Nobody much does that.