Video Game "Review" Show?


Official Completionist Seal of Approval
I released details about this on my Facebook and Twitter pages, but no one really sees anything on those.

I was considering doing more of a video game review sort of show.

I have lots of questions for the idea myself. I plan on it being a sort of Fan Picked Show where I play and give my opinion on the game. Basically in search of any hidden gems I may have missed for any console.

I don't know why I call it a review show because I'm not sure about the idea either. It could grow into a full review show, However I have no clue how that's done really. But any ideas for what I would talk about. And possibly take a look at specifically for more of a review feel. As well as any Great Games I may not have played.

I'm no where near being able to record anything right now, but I was considering starting with Klonoa: Door to Phantomile.

You can request any more common games I may have missed too. Preferably not Newer games. And I am in the mood to take a look at the PS1 era for a while too. So any of those games.
I'm pretty good at doing reviews, I can't really type down all the things that make a good reviewer without wasting hours on my keyboard so if you need help, I'm always available on Skype. :)
I've found that if you can be great, precise and know the key points of the game (without giving up too much) then game reviews can be a huge hit for most gamers. Im not sure about all other gamers but I hate IGN, Gamespot and most Machinema reviews... they are all canned and cheesy with some big boobed girl to get them more views.