Video Compressing


The party dont start till I Log in.
Does Video Compressing works ? o.o
like puting your video on Handbrake Application ?
BTW~video compressing is making your video size
into half of it or minimizing the video size .
and please comment down some useful and effective
video compressing applications.
Thanks in advance.
Well Vegas compresses 25 gb file into 600 mb WMV 720p. Perfect for Youtube :D I guess that explains everything to you.
Compression works, but you can run into problems depending on the footage you are trying to compress.

All footage is eventually "compressed" to a format/size that is acceptable for web/dvd/bluray/etc...

Just remember, do NOT compress footage until your video is completely edited and ready to be uploaded.
You want as close to lossless as possible while you edit, otherwise your end product will look like crap.

Workflow should look like this:
Record Footage > Import to Editor > Edit Footage > Export as compressed file for your viewing platform (web/dvd/bluray/etc.)
Compression works, but you can run into problems depending on the footage you are trying to compress.

All footage is eventually "compressed" to a format/size that is acceptable for web/dvd/bluray/etc...

Just remember, do NOT compress footage until your video is completely edited and ready to be uploaded.
You want as close to lossless as possible while you edit, otherwise your end product will look like crap.

Workflow should look like this:
Record Footage > Import to Editor > Edit Footage > Export as compressed file for your viewing platform (web/dvd/bluray/etc.)
I have tried compressing it but the sound got delayed , and my reason of video compressing is I have a slow internet speed , for about 1mb but
its not consistent , it just have times that it go 1mb+ and bellow.
Depending on your editing software, you should be able to export at already small files.

Our file size on almost every video that goes on YouTube is no larger than 350MB.
I don't think you could get it any smaller than that without losing a LOT of quality.

Maybe ask your parents to upgrade your internet? Tell them it's for school and your future!
Depending on your editing software, you should be able to export at already small files.

Our file size on almost every video that goes on YouTube is no larger than 350MB.
I don't think you could get it any smaller than that without losing a LOT of quality.

Maybe ask your parents to upgrade your internet? Tell them it's for school and your future!
lol , I'm requesting my parents a desktop PC because I have been inloved with my laptop for about 3 years and
my laptop is very old and its turning off when its not faced on a fan . so , my mother is asking me how much is
a good but alittle bit cheap desktop PC , because my mom doesnt have work at this time . :L
lol , I'm requesting my parents a desktop PC because I have been inloved with my laptop for about 3 years and
my laptop is very old and its turning off when its not faced on a fan . so , my mother is asking me how much is
a good but alittle bit cheap desktop PC , because my mom doesnt have work at this time . :L

Oh no! Good luck!!