Video clips getting blocked.


I uploaded a clip of DB Super to my channel and it was blocked within seconds by YouTube's automated system. I have uploaded clips before and have gotten through so what is different this time? Seems like they updated the system to remove anything that even has a bit of copyright material in it. What is confusing is that people are uploading entire episodes, getting plus 100k views and videos are not blocked. The system is not consistent.

Also I put all that copyright disclaimer stuff and didn't help.
It's so confusing tbh, I'd love to give you an answer but I can't. I've got a relatively new animation discussion channel and I've used clips from animated movies in pretty much every video, and haven't had any issues so far. My bro put up a video containing clips from "The Fault In Our Stars" for a school project and that was immediately blocked though. One thing that came to mind is that it might be if you put in a part of the music or soundtrack to the film, I try to avoid putting in any of the music as I'm sure that would trigger content ID.