Video/channel idea: in search of feedback

I have this idea for my new video (or maybe the whole channel): to read one book a week and to do reviews with a catch - the analysis would be made from economists perspective, for example we would deal with the mortality rate or the level of industralization in Les Miserables and try to link some literary themes with actual history and economics theory.

So, what do you think about it? Any suggestions, critics, comments are welcome, thank you in advance! :)
I'd have too see a pilot too tell you how it comes across but the description sounds awesome to me. Really interesting and different way to look at it, you'd be filling a tight niche which has it good and bad points. Good points is that you'd have a strong targeted audience but it won't appeal to a wide audience in my opinion. I'd say putting a pilot together and seeing how it goes, I'd be really excited personally too see how it comes out! :)
Sounds like a great idea - especially if you can explain complex economic principles through familiar books - I think if you focus on trending books and topics (eg. any ASoIaF book) and economic topics that are in the news/on college syllabuses you could get a lot of views :)
I'd have too see a pilot too tell you how it comes across but the description sounds awesome to me. Really interesting and different way to look at it, you'd be filling a tight niche which has it good and bad points. Good points is that you'd have a strong targeted audience but it won't appeal to a wide audience in my opinion. I'd say putting a pilot together and seeing how it goes, I'd be really excited personally too see how it comes out! :)

Matty, thank you - the pilot is for the moment still somewhere in the future as I would like to upload a presentation video first and try with a few vlogs, just to get a feeling of how Youtube works, this will be probably a series on its own.

Sounds like a great idea - especially if you can explain complex economic principles through familiar books - I think if you focus on trending books and topics (eg. any ASoIaF book) and economic topics that are in the news/on college syllabuses you could get a lot of views :)

Catie, yes, the idea was to try and use the basic economics principle, that are taught on college. I myself study economics and I must say that I'm doing it to basically combine fun stuff as reading and little less fun stuff as studying to make my study experience a little better, little different than usual.

Sounds awesome!

Thank you all for your feedback, really appreciate it!