Very disappointed with Pewdiepie and his comments

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I Love YTtalk
The following article came to my attention today via a fellow board member:

Now I did watch Pewdiepie occasionally, and did respect him to some degree for the channel he has built - we all know how bloody hard it is to grow on Yt.

However after his attack on @Ryan ToysReview, which is pretty much an attack on all of us running kids channels, I find him a childish, jealous, jaded man. Does he really feel threatened by a 5 year old's kids channel? I for one will not be watching Pewd's videos any more, nor supporting his growth.
I have never really liked watching him. I don't know what it is about him, but I couldn't sit there any watch more then a couple of minutes.
A lot of the YouTube community shares his point of view though, many big channels have spoken against toy/kid channels, and I'm sure a lot more are not vocal about. Childish? Yes, to an extent, he's a YouTuber that plays games for children's entertainment. I don't think he is jealous though.
Wow. Just watched the first few minutes of his video. Unbearable. Such a shame to see a successful and very highly paid entertainer become so bitter about somebody else's success.
I had watched the video earlier and I may be biased but his concern is more about the exploitation of children for profit. Whether his claim is true of his reasoning or not it is a notable point. To him, and he's been doing this a long time(of course he could be absolutely wrong), it appears staged and ungenuine.

Pewdiepie just loves satire though, as can be seen in many of his videos, and so he takes every criticism to an extreme that I agree, to certain audiences, may be truly insulting.

I won't agree or disagree though because I just don't know enough about the subject but I thought playing devil's advocate may be insightful to some. Especially because everyone HATES PEWDIEPIE xD

and that video is one reason why lol
just watched his video.. i actually agree alot with what he is saying.. the mother is controlling the channel... the kid literally has no skill besides being a cute lil 5 year old whos being told what to say by his mother... He's 5 years old.. he's not actually reviewing the toys, his parents are... They decide when to film, they force the kid to make small statements about these toys.. Huge corporations are feeding him views which translates into money, and who gets that money.. sure as hell not the 5 year old! The parents are!

at 5:15 of the video.. he showcases a video that has 11million views.. it only has 9k likes and 1k comments (which are mostly bot comments) compared to his which has over 123k likes..

at 4:02 he talks about how the purpose of the channel is to make corporations money, how he's sponsered by walmart ("ohh we found a hatchime Walmart Exclusive!!!") I wonder where that came from!

at 4:35 he reads how the success of the kid translates into higher profits for larger corporations.. and how theres no child labor laws surrounding child performing.

at 4:59... " But the channel isnt about Ryan playing with toys anymore, wether hes going to disneyland, getting a haircut or running a fever.. his parents are the ones deciding how much to film and what to share.." so pretty much the kid has no say in this channel whatsoever.. his parents control it. the 5 year old is just the star being forced to do something..

His highest viewed video has 575 million views.. he should be an international star with that view count..

these are fake views, and fake subs for a channel that has a kid being forced to do something by his parents.
I had watched the video earlier and I may be biased but his concern is more about the exploitation of children for profit. Whether his claim is true of his reasoning or not it is a notable point. To him, and he's been doing this a long time(of course he could be absolutely wrong), it appears staged and ungenuine.

Pewdiepie just loves satire though, as can be seen in many of his videos, and so he takes every criticism to an extreme that I agree, to certain audiences, may be truly insulting.

I won't agree or disagree though because I just don't know enough about the subject but I thought playing devil's advocate may be insightful to some. Especially because everyone HATES PEWDIEPIE xD

and that video is one reason why lol

The exploitation is an interesting point. I think we all agree when Nike uses SE Asian sweat shops with child labor, that's exploitation. When it comes to kids channel's, what's exploitation? We make 1 video every 2 days at the moment, the kids "work" (dress up and role play) for about 1-2 hours every 2 days. Is that exploitation? What about a channel that does 1 video a day, is 1-3 hours of the child playing exploitation? Sure there are some very big channels that do several videos/day, so the kids are perhaps working 2-6 hours/day. But is that exploitation, or would they otherwise be mucking around with toys anyway?

I think his gripe is that the parents are "exploiting" for money. But I think we can all agree giving $300,000 in cash to a 5 year old child every month is not the wisest thing. Anyways, how a family uses money, is not anyone's business. As long as taxes are paid, all is fine. His thing about it being staged - well a 5 year old is not Steven Spielberg, he does not know the art of filmaking, scripts, camera, etc. Of course it has to be scripted. If you ever watch some of the unsuccessful kids channels with 2 to 5 subs in a year, those videos are unscripted, and they are friggin awful. the Yt audience is very demanding, video craft must be at a very high level, so of course everything is planned and scripted. Even Pewds is scripted.
heres the thing... is the kid the one wanting to make the videos.. or is it the parents who are forcing the kid into these videos so they can go buy a new car or a new house... Its a fricken kid.. a 5 year old should not have to 'WORK' at all! let him or her enjoy their childhood.. stop forcing your kids into something that they may not even want to do so you as a parent can make a quick buck.
Huge corporations are feeding him views which translates into money, and who gets that money.. sure as hell not the 5 year old! The parents are!

at 5:15 of the video.. he showcases a video that has 11million views.. it only has 9k likes and 1k comments (which are mostly bot comments) compared to his which has over 123k likes..

at 4:02 he talks about how the purpose of the channel is to make corporations money, how he's sponsered by walmart ("ohh we found a hatchime Walmart Exclusive!!!") I wonder where that came from!

at 4:35 he reads how the success of the kid translates into higher profits for larger corporations.. and how theres no child labor laws surrounding child performing.

at 4:59... " But the channel isnt about Ryan playing with toys anymore, wether hes going to disneyland, getting a haircut or running a fever.. his parents are the ones deciding how much to film and what to share.." so pretty much the kid has no say in this channel whatsoever.. his parents control it. the 5 year old is just the star being forced to do something..

His highest viewed video has 575 million views.. he should be an international star with that view count..

these are fake views, and fake subs for a channel that has a kid being forced to do something by his parents.

Can you tell me technically, how "corporations" are feeding views?

Are you privy to their financial statements and tax returns? How do you know they have not setup a trust for him? I have setup a trust for my kids, and a very large proportion of our channel revenue goes into the trust for the kids future.

Kids videos don't get likes and comments, because -- wait for it --- the Kids App does not let kids like and comment! also, 2 and 3 year olds, don't comment and like, they don't know those features, they just watch! If you have kids, and you observe how kids interact with kids videos, you would be in better position to comment. My kids spent most of the day watching videos on Yt, all kids channels. I never saw them comment anything nor like anything, yet together they generated about 6 hours watch time across dozens of videos.

How many 4-5 year olds do you know that have a say in what the family does, or how a business is run. A child is a child, they do not comprehend the world until well into the teenage years. Of course parents make the decision, that's our job.

Being a kids channel and studying RTR stats publicly available, the views are not fake. It's impossible to fake views on that scale. Just today my youngest daughter watched over 3 hours of Ryan's videos, she just kept sticking to that channel, while my oldest watched a large variety. Multiply those view times that by tens of millions of kids every day....
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