vegas pro :/ event fx stuck help :l [resolved]


the amv guy
Resolved but i have a new question
how do i make it so that only some parts of the video is event fx
i tried something called loop region where you hold left click and drag over the region, but it did it for the whole video instead of that region

so i was moving the event fx around so it wouldnt be in my way but i dragged it into this box and it doesnt want to come out :l

if possible i would like to reset it all back to default

its becoming a huge pain because its so big it closes out the video thing on the right :l
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Ahhh, I've had this problem many times when I was using Vegas. I'm pretty sure I either disabled the window, or dragged it back out again. Try clicking in one of the corners and seeing if you can drag it back out, or maybe even considering exiting the window and trying to re-load it?
Ahhh, I've had this problem many times when I was using Vegas. I'm pretty sure I either disabled the window, or dragged it back out again. Try clicking in one of the corners and seeing if you can drag it back out, or maybe even considering exiting the window and trying to re-load it?
ya i had to drag the 4/5 circles downward kinda weird
thanks for the help :D
No problem, glad to know it's resolved. :D
well while i got you i have a question
how do i make it so that only some parts of the video is event fx
i tried something called loop region where you hold left click and drag over the region, but it did it for the whole video instead of that region :p
well while i got you i have a question
how do i make it so that only some parts of the video is event fx
i tried something called loop region where you hold left click and drag over the region, but it did it for the whole video instead of that region :p
I honestly have no idea. I only used Vegas for a short time, it didn't like my computer much :p
well while i got you i have a question
how do i make it so that only some parts of the video is event fx
i tried something called loop region where you hold left click and drag over the region, but it did it for the whole video instead of that region :p
You mean like applying a certain effect (or effects) for a given amount of time? You can do that with keyframes, just google it, they are really easy to use yet they are very efficient. :)