Variety Video Styles


Well-Known Member
I make Vlogs about books and reading, fashion/beauty/style, general everyday life, upload random footage of pets/animals, art, poetry, animation, photo slideshows. You name it I've probably tired it (aside from gaming). What are you guys into, mainly? Does anyone else have as big a variety as me? (not that it's a competition lol)
I do a bit of this, a bit of that. lol

I tend to favor news and current events though.

However... nothing is off limits.

Gotta love YouTube. :D

Hey, Statafm, how did you get the shiny 'YouTube Partner' Badge under your name (on the left)? I'm a YouTube partner but didn't get one automatically. Is there a way to add it?

P.S. Thanks for the sub. Hope you enjoy my vids :)
Quite welcome. :) Nice channel!

I have no clue. It just showed up there shortly after I made partner. lol

I'd say ask one of the moderators or Michael, the admin. They're all great folk and will be able to point you in the right direction. :)