Use of Music in Videos

Basically, I want to make my own version of Gangnam style, all I need is the tune/music from it.
I'll add my own lyrics and singer-person.

My question - would this then be copyright by me? would it have been changed enough t be monetizable? or would it still be copyright because i used the tune/melody-thing.

Thank you! :thumbsup2::thumbsup2:
It's a gray area. Most likely, it would legally be covered by Fair Use as a parody, but I would not monetize it because Google tends to strike first and not answer any questions.
As far as your copyright. You would own the copyright to the lyrics as well as the performance, but not to the tune.
Iv'e always wondered what music can be used. Also, i follow a WWE 13 channel, and this guy posts footage of the new game, which is not his, and he is a partner and all. Somehow he doesn't get strikes or anything.

Regardless, mate, i wish i could help, i want to know myself.