Gaming Upload to a Gaming Channel

Hey hey,I'm 15 and my Youtube channel is about a month old,I think I make really good vids but I only have 15 subs,which i know is actually quite good for one month,but I was curious if anyone who does Bf4 (or any gaming) would let me upload to there channel if they thought I was good enough to,I could do a commentary,live com,or just a channel trailer type deal,whatever floats your boat.Im pretty nice and easy to get a long with if you are and I'd love this opportunity.

Thanks in advance,White Zombie
Hey hey,I'm 15 and my Youtube channel is about a month old,I think I make really good vids but I only have 15 subs,which i know is actually quite good for one month,but I was curious if anyone who does Bf4 (or any gaming) would let me upload to there channel if they thought I was good enough to,I could do a commentary,live com,or just a channel trailer type deal,whatever floats your boat.Im pretty nice and easy to get a long with if you are and I'd love this opportunity.

Thanks in advance,White Zombie
Hey man, I own a group gaming channel and we are always looking for new members! Message back if you are interested :)