Upload daily or not?


3n3rgy Dance Music
I am interested in whether should I keep uploading music daily, or not. I feel like my videos can't get decent amount of views because I upload newer one the other day. On the other hand I don't want to dissapoint some people who really like my uploads and my daily music. I am really in a doubt since I feel I am working on that pretty hard but not really getting results.

I've seen similiar channels to mine (not much more famous than mine), with even less upload that I have, having much more views. I guess they promote themselves alot (which I'm not doing so much). Ah I went a little off topic, sorry for that :)

What do you folks say?
I would say, It's up to you. If you got loads of time putting a new video on Youtube go for it! If you're busy with your personal life and you don't want to spend loads of time behind the PC then I would say set up a schedule and stick with it.
Well nowadays I can upload daily, not sure how it will be when holidays are over^^ Some more feedback?
Link to the previous upload in every new upload and it shouldn't matter if it's daily or not :)
I know but unfortunately inVideo Programming allows you to put only 1 featured video, if im not wrong :D
I know but unfortunately inVideo Programming allows you to put only 1 featured video, if im not wrong :D

Yep. Just use the newest one, so all your older videos will also promote your latest upload. Change it every time you upload something new. To promote your older videos, use newsletter.