Youtube CreatorG
Hi There! i've been on youtube for awhile and theres a certain minecraft intro style i like,
its called the " Ender Pearl Combo" < < < <
i Want my Intro to be: ^
Me Going up to Someone and Hitting them Rapidly in a Circle like what i mentioned above. ^
And i want to be holding a Diamond Sword and me kiling him and he drops to the floor and so do i and
the drop of the music comes in and the screen shakes synced to the music.
Thanks if you can do this request!
If you need to contact me do so here or my
Skype: facebook:aeroaspire
its called the " Ender Pearl Combo" < < < <
i Want my Intro to be: ^
Me Going up to Someone and Hitting them Rapidly in a Circle like what i mentioned above. ^
And i want to be holding a Diamond Sword and me kiling him and he drops to the floor and so do i and
the drop of the music comes in and the screen shakes synced to the music.
Thanks if you can do this request!
If you need to contact me do so here or my
Skype: facebook:aeroaspire