Unique Job+Youtube=??


Active Member
So I am training to become a knight at Medieval Times. I want to incorporate that uniqueness into my gaming channel, but I don't really know the best way to do that. Any ideas?
That sounds great! I'd say if you're in training, I'd vlog the training process, show how you're learning all the skills you need, talk to other knights and have them talk about their experiences, etc. You have so much material to work with!
That sounds great! I'd say if you're in training, I'd vlog the training process, show how you're learning all the skills you need, talk to other knights and have them talk about their experiences, etc. You have so much material to work with!
Hmm... I could try something like that. Thanks for the idea, sounds really interesting, might have to try it! =]
Do half vlogs about the experience, and then maybe some fight scenes or cool videos showcasing the Medieval life. Something either humurous or shocking or entertaining, and post it on the right subreddits and boom ;)
You can try to do video games in real life, or something like if video games was real and try to combine with your job. Good luck on your video , i bet it will be awesome