Types of people at a party?

Aman Ailani

Loving YTtalk
Hey guys!
I'm thinking of ideas for "types of people at a party"
Anything can help, keep it clean :)
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Unsure what you mean.
Are you looking for 'types of people at a party' ideas for your next video, or something completely different?
Drinkers, dancers, eaters, laughers and that one guy that just sits on the couch all night that you think just may be a lil high xD
The one who goes even though they really don't want to be there.

^ that's usually me. :D

Orrr the gross couple in the corner, haha
It depends on the type of party. At a tea party you might find Sir Billiam VonShillingsworth ESQ. Who can be a bit of a social boar, but does expound upon his adventures in the Navy - which can be thrilling at times. Of course you may find the widow Abberdine, town gossip and lush, spilling secrets with Duchess Gertrude Isabel Stankbush.
The guy who goes from group to group, listening to conversations and never saying anything.
(I was the most popular kid in high school, can't you tell?)