Type of Stories to tell? Type of videos to make?

Ted Nivison

Active Member
Hi guys!

I just started up this channel, and I came to YTtalk for a bit of inspiring from the magical internet, because as humans do we will run into creative blocks!
What I'm wondering is: What type of stories are the best to tell? I've got a bunch that I COULD tell, however I don't know what stories are the best to tell to people in front of a camera, and that I could make a quality video out of!
My other question is: What TYPES of videos that involve me talking to the audience in the video would be best for me to do? I know that a lot of YouTubers do challenges and stuff but I'm really wondering what people find most enjoyable and such, let me know! :D

Any thought are totally welcome! :)
Try and classify it more as research rather than outright saying "what I should do". People will take it the wrong way and say "you should come up with your own ideas". It is your channel! Do stories that you will think are interesting. Ask what people are interested in rather than outright saying at the start "what stories should I do".

You could always do a voiceover with footage playing over the t0p. That's what a lot of creepypasta readers do and they turn out to be pretty good. Check out MrCreepypasta, that's the kind of thing I'm talking about.

What is your format? Right now all you have mentioned is you are going to tell stories in front of a camera. What are yo trying to do? Its a bit vague what you are asking. With this amount of detail, I could take it as a p**s take and say "Nursery Rhymes".

Hope this helps :-)