Two Passes - Sony Vegas


I Love YTtalk
Hey guys, I am wondering exactly what doing two passes actually does when rendering a video, I know it doubles the length of time it takes to finish the render and I would assume it makes a final output video of higher quality than just a single pass but what exactly is it for and is it worth doing it each time? I typically render videos as mp4 at 1080p and leave two pass turned on.

Two pass will essentially make the finished file smaller by scanning the composition on the first pass. This checks where bitrates can be lowered but not loose quality (if that makes sense). Second pass actually renders it :)

Thank you for that that makes a lot of sense and now I finally understand it. I will have to consider it optimisation from now on :D So it's not worth it for large files if you have fast upload speeds?
Thank you for that that makes a lot of sense and now I finally understand it. I will have to consider it optimisation from now on :D So it's not worth it for large files if you have fast upload speeds?
Yeah pretty much its mainly used for drafts but if you have fast upload speeds you may as well cut down on render times :)
Thanks I think I will turn it off from now on then, I am fine for uploading mostly :)
TBH if the videos only a short 5 minute video which you're rendering at around 6-8mbps you won't really notice it's effects much as the file will already be small so turning it off is probably for the best any ways :)
TBH if the videos only a short 5 minute video which you're rendering at around 6-8mbps you won't really notice it's effects much as the file will already be small so turning it off is probably for the best any ways :)

Cheers Andrew, I am doing that next time :D Theres no point being sat around double time each time lol
Cheers Andrew, I am doing that next time :D Theres no point being sat around double time each time lol
Exactly! :)

If you where creating a bigger video file and need it to be as small as possible but can't afford to lower the mbps it's worth doing but for youtube I hardly doubt anyone ever will notice a difference in their 1080p-1440p video quality from using the feature :)
Two pass is always better. The first pass analyzes your project and the second pass compresses it.
To be honest we make sure to do dual passes for every video we make. I used to only do one post but now that I understand it I prefer the dual passes. =)