Twitter Vs YouTube


Lord Richy
Once again I am new so forgive me if I have posted this in the wrong place!

The main point I'd like to bring up is consistancey and I can only talk from my own point of view, on you tube I have 103 subscribers yet on my twitter I have nearly 45 thousand followers. Now if we're under the rule of some people are more likeable than others then surely my persona shouldn't varie from social website to website.

Maybe this is a pointless ramble but I thought it was a good point to bring up the demographics among social websites or media websites.

Hope I haven't wasted your time

I have more followers on twitter than subscribers on youtube, but I think that's only due to more of my friends having twitter accounts than youtube accounts. (not to mention I'm still relatively new to youtube)

but perhaps it's the same for you (Richy). more ppl have twitters than youtube accounts