Tutorial ideas?

So yesterday I made my first youtube video (besides a 'my story' video)- it's a tutorial of my daily makeup routine, naming each product i use and how it's applied.
I really enjoyed doing it- but what else can I do for videos? I want to make them often as I liked making it :) But I don't want to just do hair/makeup tutorials.
I want to do something that will get views/likes/subs, but also includes the audience or is requested, as I also want to start doing shoutouts/giveaways/competitions at sub/view milestones.
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated ^^

~Becca xxxx
I understand the positivity but here's evidence that not all can period :P
If you want to focus more on makeup stuff, you could do tutorials on certain costumes/ techniques for creating a character. I don't know what it's actually called, but like...you know... if you were to make a video on something like "how to do Joker makeup" that would go down well. It's a couple of months too late, but it'd go down really well on the lead up to Halloween :P
If you want to focus more on makeup stuff, you could do tutorials on certain costumes/ techniques for creating a character. I don't know what it's actually called, but like...you know... if you were to make a video on something like "how to do Joker makeup" that would go down well. It's a couple of months too late, but it'd go down really well on the lead up to Halloween :p

not wanting to focus just on hair/makeup, just anything really :)