#Tutorial - How to become a commentator


Active Member
1. Make sure your videos are of good quality. If needed add effects afterwards such as colour correction to make your footage nicer on the eye.

HD Pvr ( or any other 720p) is a must. If you play on pc try out fraps. Get a good mic. Nobody will listen to a guy with cheap laptop mic.

2. If a scene is long winded and maybe not very action packed, make sure you provide an entertaining commentary or good piece of music over it.

3. Be consistent, upload a video a week or two a week. This way people will subscribe so that they don't miss a video.

4. Be unique.

5. Don't break copyright laws; YouTube are getting really strict these days about copyrighting. If you're going to add music to a track make sure you have it under a Creative Commons license or have purchased the necassary rights to the track. By breaking these, YouTube can take down videos or refuse a partenership.

And of course: have fun!