I'm glad you tagged me, to be honest I usually hate that but when there's great stuff like this it's a good feeling. Like finding a gift at the end of a rainbow, unusual since the internet can often deliver us a bag of something warm and heavy.
I find your content very easy to watch, and compelling - meaning I watch it through which is a bit tricky to get me to do. I've seen you on these forums a lot of course, but watching others videos based on the fact that they are presented is usually something I abstain from, because I prefer watching videos based on my own interests through search. So kudos for that. I'm amazed there is not more subscribers, maybe my eyes aren't working properly - after a while numbers all start to look the same to me.
Anyway, I wanted to vote "Business time" but it wasn't there. "You know its time for business that's why they're called Business Socks, hmmm mmm." (Comedic duo 'Flight of the Conchords' reference).