Trying to saute my videos with edits, tell me what you guys think!


Editor / Creator

Hey YTTalk! Been a while, but I've just got back from a lot of stuff going on IRL and am able to participate in both YouTube and the forums again. This is my first upload back and was wondering if I could get a few critiques!

A few things I'd like addressed, atop of whatever you find needing addressing yourself, is the following:

  1. What do you think of the editing?

    Do you think the clips chosen for presentation were funny/good?
  2. What do you think of the length?

For the length, especially, I'm just not sure how to gauge that- after all I spend quite a lot of time staring at this video and replaying it over and over in my editing software so I get dulled to the length and content...

Just let me know you guys think! :)

Hi Nate :)

I love content like this! You have a cool voice, and you managed to stay in Character ingame, which I know is hard.

The video and audio quality is also nice and crisp.

Also, I preferer videos who are between 5:00 and 10:00 min, so the length were good for me.

When it comes to your editing, It is obvious that you put a lot of time and energy into it. I like most, of your editing, but some of it was a bit confusing to me. I will mention those below:

  1. I liked your intro, but It was a bit too long for my taste. I would have prefered if it was shortened down to around 30 - 45 sec.
  2. I did not get the purpose of the dancing silver man. It seemed a bit random and out of context. It might be a reference to something I haven't seen though?
  3. I did not get the Accuracy 100%. Was it because you could not hit the enemy, or because you hit it? I understood when it fell because you missed, but the inital Accuracy 100% I did not get why it was there
  4. The Keep Honking, Im Reloding was also a bit random for me.
  5. Did you actually do the "bomb on the shield" trick you were talking about in the cowboy bit? If so, I missed it. It would have been cool to highligt as the end of that clip.
  6. Finally, It was sometimes hard for me to keep track of what happened. From 4:00 to 5:20 I felt somewhat lost, not getting what happened. But I have never played the game, so I am not sure if it is a valid critique.
Generally, I liked your video! My comments are rather minor compared to the overall quality!

Thanks for the Watch!

/Die Man
The dancing man was the character I was playing, I understand that if you're not familiar with the game you probably wouldn't get a lot of the references- thanks for the feedback though!