Trouble Finding Interest

koalafied gamers

Loving YTtalk
Everything has been done before.....

That is the problem now with YouTube. Most ideas that anybody can think of has either been done before or unless you are a big shot you still might not get any publicity for it. I wouldn't want to think that this is the case 100% of the time or nobody else would have the chance to get bigger as a channel.

All i am saying really is that i do struggle to think of some ideas that will attract some sort of attention to my channel. If i decide that i want to do a series, it would have to be uploaded daily and therefore i will need to have prep time which then still leads me to not having many videos to upload during.

I feel like the bigger YouTubers have it slightly easier as they can post something and still get traffic, which i think that if they have worked hard for it, then they deserve it.

If there is a Youtuber out there that can help me with this, because i have plenty of time after this week to make videos. I just don't want to sit here with very little ideas.

Thanks for reading and Thanks more if you suggest anything :).

Jordan from KoalafiedGamers.
Few things:
1. I just checked out your channel. Don't take this personally, but your channel really isn't going to get anywhere unless you have the personality that draws people in. Unless you make really valid points in commentaries. You're not going to get anywhere.
2. Everything has been done before. I'm not going to say I'm running an "original" channel but I will say that it does stand out a bit more. Really. It's about finding something you enjoy doing, and doing it. YouTube is about YOUR way of doing things. Have an opinion? Shout it out. Make it interesting. Do it in YOUR OWN WAY. This is what will make you stand out. Let's Plays and commentaries are one in many. Standing out is more difficult unless you have an amazing personality.
3. Bigger YouTubers had to work up to where they are now. Were things easier when they started? Potentially. Though we all started from somewhere. They did what they enjoyed doing and gained an audience. Comparing yourself to others isn't helping yourself get anywhere.

All i am saying really is that i do struggle to think of some ideas that will attract some sort of attention to my channel. If i decide that i want to do a series, it would have to be uploaded daily and therefore i will need to have prep time which then still leads me to not having many videos to upload during.
Hardly. I find that my channel thrives off of weekly uploads rather than daily. Depending on the caliber of the series you're going to make I can imagine that it will be fine to take your time as long as you get quality content on your channel.

People seem to think "Upload Frequently = More Subscribers" rather than "Quality content in sustained bursts = More Subscribers"

Quality over quantity friend.

Your koalafications are irrelephant.
Everything has been done before, untill someone comes along and does something no one has done before, which happens all the time.

If you are thinking about doing something completely original you are really making a big mistake. If you did something completely original do you want to know what would happen ? a bigger youtuber will just rip your idea and copy it then get all the props for it.

If you want to grow then its not what you know its who you know.
I had the same type of problem awhile ago. I would be playing any game with some friends, and they all agreed to help me think of an idea, although we didn't come up with anything for a few weeks. Then ironically enough, when i was by myself, i had a really good idea. I was unable to find a similar video on youtube, so i went with it, and its one of my most popular videos and i made it into a series, which also gets a solid amount of views. Im not saying that it made my channel skyrocket subscriber wise, but it gets a good amount of attention onto my channel.
I guess what im saying is, like the others said its very hard to have an original idea, and if you think of one, someone else has probably done it. Think about it for a few weeks, keep posting stuff on your youtube, eventually something will come to you.