Trending Games???

Well, you can always checkout Youtube gaming to see the popular games at the moment! I think there's even a trends dashboard for it. Also there's a good Blogspot article you can read :D
Not a problem!

Minecraft is always a good one to play too. It has such a large userbase, lets plays and mini-games are hugely popular. Mineplex is great fun!
Minecraft will always be popular on youtube, but in my opinion its not all that fun so thats like the biggest con to it for me!
The Attack on Titan game is pretty popular so far! Jacksepticeye, Slyfoxhound, and the Game Grumps are playing it currently so it's getting popular, plus is really fun even if you aren't into the anime!
Of course, shooter games are popular and can be fun so thats still an option (Call of Duty, CSGO, etc.)!