Topics, topics, topics...?


Posting Mad!
I'm planning on starting a series on my channel where I just talk about literally anything for a couple minutes. It could be a funny story, some idea I had, but at the moment I have nothing. Anyone here got any good ideas for some topics I could talk/rant/waffle about for the pilot episode? Thanks! :)
Well first of all perhaps, it would help if we were to know which country you are from, or rather more specifically, which country you presently live in
Just moving this to the Script, Script Writing, Video Ideas and Planning section of the forum. It really depends on what you want to talk could talk about things in the news....or celebrities if you're into that. Or you can just tell a funny story about something that happened to you :)
Just moving this to the Script, Script Writing, Video Ideas and Planning section of the forum. It really depends on what you want to talk could talk about things in the news....or celebrities if you're into that. Or you can just tell a funny story about something that happened to you :)
Do a video about how @Katherinejane001 uses her powers to move peoples threads at will....
Talk about your interests and hobbies and encourage and motivate people!

Oh, that reminded me of a motivational video by Jerma. It's great!
Just moving this to the Script, Script Writing, Video Ideas and Planning section of the forum. It really depends on what you want to talk could talk about things in the news....or celebrities if you're into that. Or you can just tell a funny story about something that happened to you :)

Thanks! I have a handful of amusing stories I guess, but I could try and maybe use an anecdote to get a message across or something ^_^

Cheers for the suggestions everyone, keep 'em coming! ;)
I reckon four or five :D. In terms of the topic...would it be helpful to start a thread purely of topics for people just starting out so people can get some ideas while they get into the swing of things and choose their niche?